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Legal notice of Damià Ribas, SL

Mitjançant aquest avís, s'estableixen les Condicions Generals d'Ús del portal d'internet www.damiaribas.com y la seva virtual botiga DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL reserves the right to modify these General Conditions d'Ús with the purpose of adapt them to current legislation applicable at all times. These general conditions of use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the portal are subject to their own particular conditions of use. The use by the user of any of the services of the portal assumes the adhesion and express acceptance of all the General Conditions of Ús in the version published on the present portal at the moment in which the user accesses the portal, here with to the Particular Conditions that, if applicable, remain applicable.

1. Identification data
This website, its virtual store and the domain name www.damiaribas.com are owned by DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL with CIF: B-17514357 and registered office at
C/Àngel Guimerà, s/n de Palamós 17230 (Girona). Throughout the web site the terms DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL and D. RIBAS, SL are used indistinctly to refer to this owner.

2. Intellectual property of the web
The font codes of this web page, its graphic design, the contingut and the intellectual property rights are the exclusive property of DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL . This exercise is exclusive of the rights of its exploitation, its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, total or partial, being prohibited without the express authorization of . The name DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL or different signs of any class continguts on this web page are protected by law.

3. Register
Some of the services provided on this website require prior registration by the user. Register that it is carried out according to the particular conditions of the own service or in default of the generals of the web. In all cases, prior activation will be required through the inserted email to guarantee the user's identity.

4. Contingut of the web and links
DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL . We are not responsible for the misuse that is realitzi of the continguts of our website, I feel the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses them or uses them.

5. Updating and modification of the web page
DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL .es reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in this website, and the configuration or presentation of the mateix, at any time, without prior notice, and without assuming any responsibility for this.

6. Technical aspects DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL declines any responsibility for technical problems, computer failures or damages that may not be caused by the connection to the Internet network or by legitimate intromissions by third parties.
Així mateix, I also decline any responsibility for damages or damages derived from defects or omissions in information provided on this website from sources alien to us.

7. Security in the accesses
The access to the payment pages through the POS service is carried out through a secure line of the bank.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction
In general, the relations with our clients, which is derived from the provision of contingent services on our website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. DAMIÀ RIBAS, SL . and the clients submit to the resolution of any litigation pogues without deriving from the mateixes als Jutjats i Tribunals de Girona.