Most frequent questions
You have doubts? here you will find some answers, you can also contact us by phone, whatsapp or from the contact form to request information
Most frequent questions
Frequent questions from customers:
Is the air hose suitable for hot water? Yes, it is.
Is the oil hose suitable for petrol, and the other way round? Yes, it is.
Is the oil hose suitable for air/water? Yes, it is
Is there any multiuse hose?
Yes, there is. Reference SAE 100 R6
Do you manufacture any solvent hose?
Yes, but the product to flow in and its % of solvent (100% pure solvent / 50% diluted) has to be specified beforehand to see which one fits.
What is the inner diameter tolerance?
We manufacture according ISO 1307, but can accept lower tolerance. In any case, the customer demand according to a plan or sample is open for discussion.
Are there other references apart from the ones in the catalogue?
Yes, there are. But there is a minimum purchasing order and the requirements and specifications have to be stated in written previous to acceptance.
What current diameters do you offer?
From 2.8 to 25.4 mm
What are the current working preassures? From 0 to 1000 bar depending on the inner diametre.
What is the standard length of the rolls? Approximately 50 metres. In small diametre hoses ( 3 and 4 mm), the standard length is 25 m.
Can you cut the hoses in required lengths? Yes, but cut tolerance and minimum purchasing order must be stated.
Is your firm a commercial establishment or a factory? A factory. We manufacture ALL our products and do not sell other manufacturers’.
Are there additional discounts apart from the negotiated when purchasing? There are rolls whose lengths are not standard and may have additional discount.
For further questions, do contact us.
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